How to Participate in Eczema Clinical Trials

How to Participate in Eczema Clinical Trials

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition of the skin. Eczema is a chronic condition which can have symptoms of itching, redness, swelling and crusting or oozing of the skin. 

If you have been diagnosed with eczema chances are your dermatologist has covered your treatment options. As of now the leading treatments fall into one of three categories, systemic, topical, and lifestyle changes. 

Living with eczema can impact your life in different ways. It can disrupt your sleep as it can cause itchy skin and it can cause stress, anxiety and depression due to the constant discomfort. 

Even though Eczema is common at all ages, it can impact children the most. This is why there are many pediatric clinical trials for eczema. Clinical trials are important in developing new treatments and medications that can potentially treat atopic dermatitis. 

Understanding Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are crucial in ensuring that new medications and treatments are safe, effective and that they meet FDA standards to become approved. 

Clinical trials can be split up into different phases depending on how far along they are in the process of development. Below is a quick description of the different phases of clinical trials but you can click here for a full article that will guide you through the differences of each phase. 

Phases of clinical trials

  • Phase I: Safety and dosage
  • Phase II: Efficacy and side effects
  • Phase III: Confirmation and comparison
  • Phase IV: Post-marketing surveillance

How to Participate in Eczema Clinical Trials

If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial for eczema, the first step is to find the right trial! 

Chances are you have googled “eczema clinical trials near me” and have seen how difficult and confusing the process can be. The reason is that there are not a lot of resources to help you find the right trial for yourself or your family member. 

At, we have a free guidebook you can download which will also sign you up for our newsletter! 

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Finding paid clinical trials does not have to be confusing or difficult. We highly suggest you get our free guidebook, but if you are in time crunch our resource article on how to use will get you up to speed so that you can find the right clinical trial for you. 

Clinical trials are done all over the world, so you will be sure to find an eczema clinical trial near you! Chances are you live close to a clinical research site that is enrolling for an eczema clinical trial. By following our guide you can contact research sites in your area that can help you get the process started. 

Do you qualify for an eczema clinical trial? 

One of the most common questions when it comes to clinical trials is whether you qualify to participate in a trial for eczema or atopic dermatitis. 

Each clinical research trial will have different eligibility requirements, which is a set of criteria that you will have to meet. In clinical research the inclusion criteria is a list of criteria you must meet while the exclusion criteria is a list of criteria you must not have. 

For example, there may be different examinations to determine how severe your atopic dermatitis or eczema is. Based on these results you may be eligible or you may have “too little” or “too much” eczema to continue. 

Other things that might exclude you from participating in clinical trials for dermatitis are your current medications, medications you may have tried in the past and your ability to follow the researchers instructions. 

If you follow our guide you will notice that at, there is a section that covers the inclusion and exclusion for each clinical trial listed on the site. Here you can go through the criteria and you can know whether you may qualify. 

Of course the only way to know for certain is to call the clinical research site and ask. 

What to expect from participating in an eczema clinical trial 

Once you have contacted the clinic and you are ready to participate in a clinical trial for atopic dermatitis, you may be wondering what the next steps will be like. 


Each clinical trial will be different, however, your first appointment will be what is called a screening visit. This visit to the clinic is very important as it will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision to participate. 

The research doctor and nurses will guide you through the informed consent to make sure you understand everything before you sign and give permission to participate. 

Once you are comfortable with signing the consent form, there are usually a series of procedures you have to do at the screening visit. These exams, and procedures will help the researchers determine if you are a good fit to participate in the clinical trial. 

After your screening visit you will be contacted by the clinical research site with information on whether you are eligible to participate or not based on the results from your screening visit. 

Clinic visits 

The rest of your visits to the site will be different depending on the clinical trial. It is always a good idea to ask ahead of time what your commitment will be to make sure it aligns with your current lifestyle. Some clinical trials may last for a few months while others may have frequent check-ins for years. 

Some of these visits to the clinic may be lengthy while other times the visits may be short or even done remotely through the phone. 

It is important to make sure you have enough time to commit to the clinical research trial. If you are employed, will you be able to take time off? Perhaps you have children that may need to be cared for while you are at your clinic appointment. 

By asking these questions you will be able to find the right clinical trial that can work for your lifestyle. 

What are the benefits of participating in clinical trials for eczema? 

By participating in clinical trials for atopic dermatitis or eczema not only are you helping to advance medical discoveries, but you may also see other direct benefits. 

Getting paid to participate in clinical trials for eczema 

Depending on the clinical trial you participate in, you may be paid for your time and efforts. Clinical trials usually pay a stipend since they understand that it is taking time away from your daily activities to go into the clinic. Or that you may have to travel for your appointments and take time off from working. 

The amount you can expect to make from participating in clinical trials for eczema depends on the specific trial. Although this should not be your only motivation for participating in clinical trials, it is definitely an added benefit. 

New eczema treatment

You may be able to trial new treatments for eczema before they are available in the market. If you are having issues with your current treatment or are having a difficult time finding medication that will work for you, you should consider clinical trials. 

Of course, we highly recommend you speak with your doctor and make sure you consider all of your treatment options before you stop taking anything you may already be prescribed. If nothing else seems to control your symptoms of eczema, trialing a new medication has the potential to help. 

Helping to advance healthcare 

As we alluded to it before, you can make a great impact by participating in clinical trials for eczema. Researchers will be able to use the information from the clinical research to create new treatments that can help many people. 

With help from people like you who are willing to try new medications and treatments for eczema, new discoveries can take place! 

To Wrap Up 

We truly hope that you have found this information valuable and will be able to use it in your journey through clinical trials. There is a lot to learn and understand when it comes to participating in clinical research and we are here to help! 

At TheClinResearcher we are committed to empowering you through knowledge! Feel free to get our free guide book and subscribe to our exclusive newsletter! 

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