How to Participate in Paid Migraine Studies

How to Participate in Paid Migraine Studies 

What are Migraines?

If you suffer from migraines you have probably realized how debilitating this health condition can be. Besides having intense headaches usually on one side of the head, you may also experience light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, nausea, and visual disturbances. 

It can be very difficult to treat migraine headaches and sometimes they can last for a long time. If you have been diagnosed with migraines, your doctor may prescribe medications for you to prevent or treat them. 

However, if you have tried migraine medications in the past and they haven’t worked for you, or you would like to try the newest in migraine therapy; clinical trials may be right for you. 

Not only will you be able to potentially help your migraines if the trial medication works for you but you may also be paid for your time and you get to help advance medical research. 

Understanding Paid Clinical Migraine Studies

The purpose of clinical trials is to make sure medication is safe and effective so that it can be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Once medications are approved by the FDA they can be prescribed or sold over the counter. 

However, not every clinical trial involves taking medication. Some clinical trials are observational and track lifestyle modifications and the way it can affect medical conditions. Such as tracking what a specific diet and exercise can do for diabetes. 

Other clinical trials involve testing devices and equipment in order to make sure they are accurate, safe and effective. Such as blood pressure monitors, smart watches and other equipment you may find at your doctor’s office. 

If you would like to learn more about clinical trials that do not involve taking experimental medication, check out our article here. 

Benefits of Participating in Paid Migraine Studies

  • Contributing to Medical Research: By participating in migraine clinical trials you will be helping to advance healthcare. You will help researchers better understand migraines and how new medications work. 
  • Access to New Treatments: If you have tried several treatments without noticing positive results, clinical trials give you access to new cutting edge treatments. 
  • Medical Oversight: You can gain a better understanding of your health by having access to medical exams and procedures. During your participation you may have routine labs, physicals, and other diagnostic tests. 
  • Financial Compensation: You may be paid for your participation in clinical trials. Many trials will pay for your time and effort during your participation. 

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What to Expect During Your Participation in a Paid Migraine Study

  • Initial Assessments: During your first visit to the clinical research site, you will be screened for the study. A screening appointment is where you and the study team will make sure the trial is a good fit for you. This visit may involve assessments, questionnaires and other exams to make sure the trial is safe for you and that your symptoms qualify for you to participate. All of your questions will be answered during this visit before you sign consent. 
  • Study Visits: Once you enroll into the trial, the clinic staff will ask you to come in for study visits. Depending on the study, these visits will vary in duration and what is required from you. These are usually check ups throughout the study to see how the medication is working and to make sure it is safe for you to continue in the study. 
  • Duration and Commitment: The duration of the study will depend on the trial as some can last six months and others can go on for years. Your commitment to the study will be outlined by the clinic staff and will involve you following the protocol to make sure you are safe during your participation. You can also withdraw your consent meaning that you have decided to stop participating in the trial. 

How to Find and Choose the Right Migraine Studies

Finding Studies: You can visit for a registry of thousands of trials. There you’ll be able to filter and search for the type of trial you are looking for and contact the study team directly. The site can be confusing to use at first so we recommend you read this article that guides you step by step on how to search 

You can also get our complete guide to participating in clinical research by signing up for our newsletter. Our mission is to raise awareness about clinical trials and to help you gain a better understanding of what they are and how you can participate!

Have Additonal Questions?

If you would like to learn more about participating in clinical research trials, visit our Frequently Asked Questions by clicking here!

Or write to us with your questions by visiting our contact us page here!

To Wrap Up

If you have been diagnosed with migraines and are looking to participate in clinical trials, you have come to the right place. In this article we have covered what migraines are, the basics of clinical trials, as well as the benefits of participating and how to find the right migraine study. 

We hope you have found this article useful and look forward to seeing you in our exclusive newsletter!